The Third International Conference on Hani/Akha Culture (TICHAC)

will be held from December 29, 1999 to January 5, 2000 in Jinghong City of Xishuangbanna Yunnan , PDR of China.

This conference is undertaken by the Peoples Government of the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan , China.

The Conference is co-organized by Mr.Cha Ke,Vice Governor of the People’s Government of Xishuangbanna Prefecture and Mr.A Hai of the Ethnic Research Institute of the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.

The objectives of the Conference are:

To promote and re-enforce the splendid traditional Hani/Yaniza Culture.

To promote research and investigation of Hani/Yaniza Culture.

To strengthen de academic exchange between researchers of different countries.

We are happy to invite and count on the presence of representatives and researchers from 14 countries to attend this meeting. They include ,besides China, Thailand, Burma, Laos and Vietnam, besides Japan, Australia , New Zealand, the United states of America, and European Countries such as England, The Netherlands, France , Germany and Sweden.

During the Conference Work Groups will be set up and these groups will also have communication and investigation trips into Akha villages in the region.


The Third International Conference on Hani/Akha Culture .

(TICHAC) December 29,1999- January 5,2000.

Proposed Topics and Subject Areas:

1. Hani/Akha traditional eco-environment protection and sustainable development.

2. Hani/Akha traditional education and the impact of formal education on the nationality’s quality.

3. Hani/Akha history and culture (including also :genealogy, medical knowledge ,handicraft and dress, food-habits ,music and dance, funeral and other ceremonies, philosophy ).

4. Hani/Akha women and children: their empowerment and education.

5. The impact of international exchange, information and tourism on Hani/Akha economics, culture , education and development.

6. The impact of neighbouring ethnic cultures on Hani/Akha culture and its development.

7. Comparative research about Hani/Akha language/dialects, traditional oral literature/texts and literacy in the Lancang/Mekhong quadrangle subregions .

The Third International Conference on Hani/Akha Culture ‘s (TICHAC) Leading Group/Organizing Committee of Xishuangbanna, China


TICHAC Conference Office:
Address: No. 6 Jinghong ,East Road Yunnan China
Ethnic Research Institute of Xishuangbanna
Autonomous Perfecture.Post Code:666100
Liaison Persons: A Hai or Fu Gui-ying
Tel: 86-691-212 7710 86-691-214 8092
Fax: 86-691-212 7460

TICHAC Conference Secretariat :
Address No. 10 Jinghong,East Road Yunnan China.
Hani Language Department of Peoplešs Broadcasting and Radio Station of Xishuangbanna.
Liaison Persons: Yang Zhe Hua or Zhu Ji Ying Tel: 86-691- 2127-160 86-691-2127824
Fax: 86-691-2127 460

