[9] Saq laq ka-eu
Plant Cotton
Written by the Chinese Akha, Yunnan Province, Southern China

Saq la ka ler ma saq laq, hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq ka ler ma ler-eq
Shall we go plant cotton? We shall go plant cotton happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq ka lerŠ ka ler maŠ
We shall go to plant cotton happily, shall we go plant cotton?

Saq la ceuv ler ma saq la, hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq ceuv ma ler-eq
We shall go to collect cotton, going to collect cotton happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq la ceuv ler maŠ ceuv ler ma
We shall go collect cotton happily, collect happily

Saq laq lehq ler ma saq laq, hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq lehq ler-eu ma ler
We shall take out the cotton seed, we shall take out the cotton seed happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq lehq ler maŠ lehq ler ma
We shall take out the cotton seed happilyŠtake out seed happily

Saq laq beuv ler ma saq laq, hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq beuv ler ma ler
We shall make cotton soft, we shall make cotton soft happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq beuv ler maŠ beuv ler ma
Shall we make cotton soft happily? Make cotton soft

Saq laq du ler ma saq laq, hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq du ler ma ler
Shall we roll cotton happily? Rolling the cotton happily, happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq du ler maŠ du ler ma
We shall roll cotton happily, roll happily, roll happily

Saq laq hgawr ler ma saq laq, hgoer hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq hgawr ler ma ler
We shall string the cotton; we shall string the cotton happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq laq hgawr ler maŠ hawr ler ma
Shall string cotton happily, string happily

Saq nmr yavq ler ma saq nmr, hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq nmr yavq ler ma ler
We shall weave cotton, we shall weave cotton happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui saq nmr yavq ler maŠ yavq ler ma
We shall weave cotton happily, weave happily

Mehq choeq guvq ler ma mehq choeq, hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui mehq choeq guvq ler ma ler
We shall sew clothes, we shall sew clothes happily

Hgoer la hgoer cehr-ehr ar dui mehq choeq guvq ler ma lerŠ guvq ler ma
We shall sew clothes, we shall sew clothes happily

Ar dui aq kaq zaq cawr jeuq, laq navq dm cawr pehr nav dm cawq yavq-eu ma lerŠ..
We are the Akha people, we wear black trousers and black jackets

Lavq nav dmr cawr pehr nav dm cawq yavq-eu marŠyavq-eu mar
Wear black trousers and black jackets

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