[5] Dzangr tav zaq saq
Poor Mountain People
Written by Aju Jupoh in London 1989

Cawr haq shir xav jir-iq ngar-a, aq nyoq mawr ner dzar dzaq-eu maq jav
The people are dying, buffalos and cows have no food to eat

Ya chiv shir xav jir ngar-aq (*Repeat)
Chickens are dying *

Mq yehr mq shar maq caw ba le, Aq poeq miq yehr aq gar ir byov-eq?
Rain owner, sky owner they have not come to help us, where are the ancestors gone?

Dzangr tav uq yehr maq yehr, cehq ma bavq-awr aq gar ir le
Itıs not raining on the mountain, carry the hoe, where are you going?

Ngaq ha mir liq dur ir ma (*Repeat)
Iım going to dig the soil*

Duq shehvq levq xawvq-iq hawq mehvq maq lovq-a, ehr xawvq ni-iq ya mr shehvq meh
Dig till I die, but I cannot get enough rice to eat, and must work on and on

Dzangr tav-eu cehq ma bavq dzeh-awr meuq-angr ir ka-awr ga ja mr-ir ma
Throw the hoe at the mountain then go to the city to look for a job

Pyur shuir ya lar-eu dur nawq (*Repeat)
I may get some money and some gold *

Gar ya mr-eu zaq xav tehvq nga, saq lar ngeh nang caw ba-eur maq jav
The job Iıve got is slave work when you face problems nobody offers a hand

Nar lar gawr lar ngeh nang, jav hgaq chawv ir-eu sa dar maq jav
When I got sick, I had no money for medicine

Teu lovq-ehr ya shir xav ngar-a (*Repeat)
I would have died like that *

To-or jav hgaq-aq yaw dui-ehr xav nga, mr shehvq levq xawvq-iq ar poeq maq lovq-a
O! The price of medicine is so high, even working till I die I cannot afford the price

* Yaw muiq yaw muiq-ehr noeq haw, mehq jaq hgawq mya-i yaw dui-ehr jav nga
Think carefully, there are many problems that have to be solved

Sangq bovq dzaw nya maq lor? (*Repeat)
Have you enough education?

Teu lovq-ehr byehr dzeh-awr taq bi jav de-eq, ar dui maq mr aq sur hgaq mr lar-eu
Please donıt let it be like that, if we are not helped to develop, who will come to do it for us

Sangq bovq dzaw nya-euq deuq-or, bovq nya gui nya-awr yaw dui-ehr muiq nga
O! Itıs wonderful when you can read and write

Ngeuq leur hgawq mya ni dzaq nar-aq (*Repeat)
Then you can get a high salary *

Dzangr tav hgovq lar-awr lav muiq dav ma
Please, come back to the village on the mountain and help us to develop

Ehr xawvq ni-aq ar cawq-eu zaq xav *
Even though we will still be the slaves of other people*

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