
sjp rd.



So, does technology marginalize?
How does the informal economy and the activities that they contain operate
within the regulated realm of law?
How have these innovative neighbourhoods emerged?
Are these spaces of empowerment?
Is this freedom?


The coexistence of mainstream multinational branded markets and the
multi layered thick networks of informal economies that run parallel
to it provides a large and very interesting space to explore some
questions regarding access, distribution and regulation of products
and systems. The employment and revenue generated out of these
informal economies is large which makes the question of regulation an
interesting one.

talk with the law

Can and should pircacy be contained? regulated? or nullified?
What position does the state hold?
Are these spaces of empowerment?
Is this freedom?


To what extent and at how many levels can/should the
state intervene and enforce regulations?

At the other end, how there are spaces and gaps created to work around and through this


There is no one story. Collecting voices, opinions, viewpoints and
concerns of a wide range of people. Creating a multi layered and a
multi- dimensional narration by getting together these voices and
visuals in one exhibition space where they can be in dialogue with one

Another layer added is of the visual reinterpretation and
fragmentation that creates voids in the otherwise closed discourse and
makes room for interaction, interpretation and reflection. (Ramyah)

national market


How much access to information do we have vis-à-vis what we
are lead to believe?
At what levels does the digital divide exist?
What are the scopes of open-source?
What would an absence of restraints mean?
IPR and its implications on open-source?
Are these spaces of empowerment?
Is this freedom? (Priyanka)


Many voices reach out as one ventures into this constructed space. Is it a pseudo market place, where each one sells his opinion? What appears at one level to be a series of people representing various institutions of our economy, a closer look reveals the intricacies of the interactions and the many disparities and loopholes appear to sharply contrast these people against the background in which they exist.

The informal economy which seems to be bursting out of the seams of the more formalized and mainstream structure of the economy, appears to highlight the constant struggle that smaller institutions have to go through to exist in the towering shadows of the corporation. And then the spirit in which the informal sector survives everyday, despite constant pressures and raids from the designated controllers, suddenly transforms the scenario into a more real one.
What is intriguing about the setting is that, one is provided the ability to control what they view, which in turn reflects the way in which we function in these systems; the ways in which we interact in these systems and the many levels at which we deal with access and regulation. In a sense it is like viewing a cross sectional view of the economy, all at once.
And yet some aspects of the perspective do not reveal themselves unless the right door is opened, or the correct alignment is struck.

It provides for a space in which it is not alright to be mere spectators, but to jump right into the clockwork and move things around till the picture gets clearer. In a sense, the amount of clarity attained from the situation is in tandem with the chaos that is generated out of the multiple interactions, which leaves the viewer with only a peak into the multi-complexities that exist within the ever-changing network. (Nishita)